Any restaurant management consultant worth their salt will tell you that innovation helps keep the business afloat. Competition will always be present no matter what kind of food you have to offer and as such, you need to offer something your competition can’t.
You can try to come up with different takes on a common dish, but that won’t matter if you don’t improve on operations. How you take orders or provide customer service is just as important as the quality of the meal you can serve.
Operational Innovation
Evidence has shown that operational innovation brings in results. More than ten years ago, car insurance company Progressive was able to “steal” the customers of their rivals by simply out-operating them.
The company didn’t throw money into advertisements, it didn’t diversify, and it didn’t go global. Instead, Progressive changed their claims processing. They offered comparisons of their rates against competitors, and improved their applicant risk profile assessment process.
That said, what are the restaurant operations you can review and then find ways to make better?
Food Preparation
In the 80s, Taco Bell was able to limit the amount of time spent toward on-site food preparation by outsourcing the task to its suppliers. The company was able to innovate their restaurant operations by viewing it in manufacturing terms.
With this process in place, Taco Bell’s staff focused more on assembling orders rather than food preparation. As a result, the company was able to lower their costs and increase customer satisfaction.
While you can always look to competitors for inspiration in improving operations, a restaurant management consultant can help you to look at other industries – just the way Taco Bell did in the 80s.
Customer Service
A couple of dining establishments now use technology to improve services. Some have made use of tablets to not only present the menu, but to also call the attention of servers and even provide a bit of entertainment.
Loyalty Programs
The better your services, the more likely people will frequent your establishment. Customers who regularly dine at your restaurant deserve to be rewarded.
Starbucks already had an existing rewards program, but they revised it in 2016. As a result, lines moved faster and revenue increased. The old system valued transaction volume over money spent, a system easily gamed leading to congested lines. The new system (two stars awarded for every dollar spent) minimized transaction time and improved the in-store experience.
While it is tempting to implement all innovations at once, it’s best to roll it out in phases. Doing it in this manner won’t overwhelm the staff and it will give time for clients to adjust and appreciate changes, no matter how subtle.
A restaurant management consultant should also inform businesses that operational innovation isn’t just a one-time affair; it should be a continuous one. You don’t just stop improving operations because it worked.
Keep in mind there are always competitors and the best one will mirror what works. It’s best to stay ahead of the game in the competitive restaurant industry, contact a restaurant management consultant from Perry Group International today to keep your restaurant’s competitive edge.
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