Finding money to finance a restaurant business plan in this economy is the single reason why many would be restaurateurs will never see their doors open. However, several food and bar operation startups find the Internet offers some would be opportunities. If you are inclined to be creative in your thinking and approach to raise cash, there are several web sites that cater to businesses seeking investors in an unconventional way. Rather than asking for large sums of money and expecting high returns, these sites are geared to the small retail investor. Retail investors are considered to be folks who will invest less than $25,000 and are not usually an accredited investor. They are also called individual, small or consumer type investors. Many investors for a restaurant business plan are retail investors, such as individuals and consumers, who are driven by an idea more than return. Here is an excerpt and link from The New York Times on these Internet funding sources if you are looking to start a restaurant: – “Spurned by tapped-out investors and tightwad bankers in challenging times, restaurateur-wannabes are turning to their neighborhoods, and the wider community of the Internet, to finance their dreams. It is part of the same movement toward community-supported financing that has capitalized farms, independent grocers, bookstores and other small businesses. Many primarily philanthropic Web sites like Kickstarter and have sought small sums in support of high-risk ventures, arts groups and charities under the rubric of micro-financing and crowd-sourcing.” Also, read our newsletters for other tips and ideas if you plan to buy a restaurant. Are you a new owner or operator who is raising cash to fund your new restaurant business plan? What can you share with our readers as to other creative resources on the Internet that have helped?
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