Owners, operators and restaurant experts who advise these clients are aware that the food service industry has mostly younger, lower wage workers. This demographic of employees in the workplace, who are often teens and twenty year olds especially in the quick service and fast casual sectors, can contribute to issues arising from pilferage, theft and harassment. These younger staff members are typically honest, hard working people who want to do the right thing when confronted with something they are uncomfortable doing. However, sometimes it is their bosses or supervisors that put them in these awkward positions as they fear being a snitch or do not want to report unwanted advances or behavior at the risk of losing the job. According to this one restaurant experts and security firm, many businesses have seen the advantages of an “Employee Hot Line.” By finding out about security, safety or criminal activity and responding directly to it prior to becoming jeopardized, a company can avoid and mitigate publicity and the liability. A thorough eating place loss deterrence system that consists of a worker hot line will encourage staff to report problems whenever they notice not very safe situations or unacceptable conduct. It also contributes greatly toward encouraging honorable actions and trustworthiness. The main elements and components of a simple yet effective “hot line for employees” that restaurant advisors typically recommend is that it be: – Anonymous AND confidential; – Accessed either on-line or through an 800/866/877 number; – 24/7; – Has a trained 3rd party operator; – Provides neutral and unbiased case management. If you need assistance on setting up a hot line from a restaurant security expert, there are several service providers we can refer. Or, if you need a complete operations and internal review regarding a number of in-house issues, our restaurant experts can suggest something that would be beneficial to the size and budget of your food and beverage business. Please complete a request at the link below.
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