The one area green restaurant planning can improve upon and get noticed by customers is the restroom that your foodservice establishment provides for them. Think about it? Why do the major restaurant chains all have specific policies and procedures on the upkeep? Better yet, take that same focus when creating your plan to go green. According to an article about a recent webcast by, the subject was just that or in other words going green in the restroom. In fact, the restroom truly symbolizes the entire operation and how your customers see your restaurant business and its priorities. For example, the data presented was part of Harris surveys and found in part that green restaurant planning should include the following: “For restaurants, especially, having a clear, communicable plan for sustainable hygiene is essential given that customers will directly interact with — and judge — the restrooms.” “Restroom areas that can be improved include: lighting, for quality and for mercury content; water use in older urinals and toilets; water efficiency in faucets; and recycling or composting of paper towels. Water in the restroom is already a key target area when a green restaurant consultant analyzes a food and beverage operation and its public restroom. For example, guidelines such as the following are now part of an energy efficient restaurant plan: – Dual flush handle toilet; – High-efficiency toilets; – Ultra high-efficiency toilets; – Composting toilet; – High-efficiency urinal; – Waterless urinals. Are you an owner, operator or consultant involved with green restaurant planning for one or more restaurants and food service businesses? Please share your ideas below on what your plan includes as it relates to public restrooms and going green.
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