One of the biggest fears among hospitality management senior executives, managers and supervisors is the physical destruction and potential loss of life that a terrorist act can cause to a hotel or lodging chain. Worse, the public relations nightmare from a bombing or shootout will contribute to a loss of income for months, sometime years, to come. Although the U.S. hotel industry has remained largely unaffected by terrorist acts in America, that is not the case in other countries, such as Afghanistan, India and Pakistan. Since the death of Osama Bin Laden, State Department officials have warned that Americans face more threats both abroad and at home by groups sympathetic to the former terrorist leader and so-called master mind of the 9/11 tragedy. Just a few weeks ago, Inter-Continental hospitality management officials reported about the suicide attack at a hotel in Afghanistan that left ten people dead. Hotel asset management should also read this article on a hotel protection strategy. According to the author, Anthony Roman states “In formulating a protection strategy for our business centers, hotels, resorts and executives, we should evaluate the nature of terrorist groups. They adapt to changing defensive strategies. They conduct surveillance of potential targets. They identify weaknesses. They thrive on targets that suffer terminal routine. They move against businesses that are administratively and logistically unprepared to detect, deter and prevent an attack.” Hotel and restaurant management staff can also find other articles about safety at our blogs and the American Hotel & Lodging Association web site. Are you an owner or operator of multiple hotels and resorts? If so, what type of hospitality management emergency preparedness programs are you using to prepare for a possible terrorist act at your operation? Please share your comments with our readers.
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