Many a nightclub security expert will advise that having good surveillance systems and adequate staff for crowd control during busy periods will go a long way toward preventing injuries at a bar and club, especially fatal ones. Therefore, it is a good idea to revisit your policies and procedures, security scheduling and the upkeep and maintenance of the CCTV (closed circuit television cameras) and in-house communication systems. This should also coincide with other preventative measures, such as proactive personnel training and oversight, to insure your operation and premises are always safe and secure for customers and employees alike. Having an unbiased, outside nightclub security expert to evaluate your establishment may also aide in helping your business prevent a fatal injury like the night club in this story link that was recently sued as a result: – “The lawsuit alleges there were too few security personnel on the dance floor and a broken surveillance camera. In response, the Entertainment Commission ordered the club to discontinue serving bottled beer on Thursday, Friday and Saturday nights, install identification scanners and double its number of security cameras, from 32 to 64, to cover “blind spots.” A nightclub business plan should take into consideration the costs for these preventative safety and security measures. This could include a set aside for future funds specifically to pay for upgrades to electronic equipment and ongoing night club management education, such as using Facebook for identification as talked about here. Lastly, if you are a owner and operator needing some additional nightclub security expert tips and recommended practices for your bar or nightclub, please contact us below.
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