As an owner, the first preventative measure you can take to keep your place of business from becoming a danger zone, is hire a night club consultant. Alcohol and the nightlife can bring out the worst in people. A night out on the town can easily go from the time of your life, to a definitive nightmare. Recent violence in high profile tourist areas may cause a decrease in attendance of after-hours recreation, and have a negative effect on their local economies. Customers want to feel safe when they go out, and no facility wants the reputation they’re not a safe place to go. Training One of the first elements of your nightclub business plan and safety program is to hire a professional security staff. If you don’t contract from a security company, invest in a training program. When people are drunk anything can happen, and your staff has to be as prepared as possible. A night club consultant can refer you to the “ServSafe” program offered by the NRA (National Restaurant Association) and assist in its set up and implementation. • Set clear standards and rules for when security needs to intervene with customers. They should not be left to use their own judgment. • Make it clear they should avoid physical contact or altercations with the patrons. You don’t want the staff to further escalate any situation. • Entrance into the club needs to be efficient, as well as an exit strategy for closing time and emergencies. • An effective crowd control strategy must be implemented • Proper search procedures have to be enforced at the door. Use of the metal detector wand, purse/bag search, and possible pat downs should be carefully executed. • Staff must be aware of laws and ordinances in your area, like “conceal and carry”, and you must post a sign at the front door that states “no weapons allowed.” • Know when to call the police, some situations are beyond the scope of security and need to be handled by the proper authorities. • Require the staff to get a CPR certification in case of a medical emergency. Community Relations You have to maintain a good relationship with the community, especially the local police department. • Host community events and invite the neighborhood. Ask questions, take suggestions, and respect your neighbors. They have a big influence on the state licensing board. • Host a police function. Everybody can become familiar and comfortable with each other. Proper Supervision Maintain a consistent presence in your place of business, don’t try to let it run itself. Proper nightclub management is the best way to assure smooth operations. • Monitor the bartenders. The bartenders should not over-serve alcohol. If a patron gets alcohol poisoning, or drives intoxicated and hurts someone, the bar can be held liable. • Monitor the pool table area to prevent gambling. Anger and alcohol don’t mix; people hate when they lose money and may result to violence if they feel cheated. • Provide a safe and well-lit parking area. • Don’t be afraid to kick people out for improper or disruptive behavior. You don’t want to risk your license because somebody doesn’t know how to act. Create an Ambiance Create an atmosphere for the crowd you want to draw. In order to do that, you have to control the environment. • Enforce a dress code. • Don’t over-pack the club, stay at or below capacity. • Promote and push your V.I .P. following. • Pre-approve the DJ list, to control the music. Sourcing out certain responsibilities to a night club consultant is well worth the investment. You can focus more on the aspects of your business that you’re most knowledgeable about, and they can focus on the things you’re not so familiar with. Your bar doesn’t have to suffer because you don’t know everything. It’s ok to share some responsibilities when you hire an expert.
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