Are you a bank or lender looking for ideas and information on foreclosure alternatives for your workout and special assets department? Mark your calendar for this Special Assets Management Association (SAMA) event on December 8, 2011 in San Francisco to learn more… Attorney Richard Rogan, a Partner with Jeffer, Mangels, Butler & Mitchell LLP, and someone I have worked with as a hotel receiver, is on the planning committee of this exciting event. Here is what Dick Rogan has to say about SAMA and the upcoming program: A few years ago, the Special Assets Management Association was born in Southern California. SAMA is a member-driven non-profit organization dedicated exclusively to fostering the best practice in the workout arena through continuing education, mentoring, skill sharing and peer support. I hear from my partners and clients in Southern California that SAMA has been quite successful in providing continuing education for workout professionals as well as a platform for workout professionals to network with one another. Follow this link if you wish to join other members of SAMA in the banking industry looking for foreclosure alternatives and more. SAMA is now coming to Northern California, and I am privileged to be a member of the Event Planning Committee that will be working to get SAMA North off the ground. Our first event is a breakfast program in San Francisco on December 8 on “Current State of the Workout” featuring Greg Bloyd of Bank of the West and Seth Moldoff of Wells Fargo Bank. The meeting will be held at Silk’s Restaurant in the Mandarin Oriental Hotel at 7:30 a.m. I hope that you can join us that morning to inaugurate SAMA in Northern California. Qualified hotel special servicers and other financial institution officers can register for this new SAMA event here. Note: The Special Assets Management Association is organized to service special assets professionals from financial institutions. The following workout professionals are eligible: 1. Special assets professionals from financial institutions; 2. Chief credit officers and senior credit officers from financial institutions who actively manage special assets. Are you a bank, lender or special servicer with a hotel in default and looking for a foreclosure alternatives solution? Get a no cost consultation and learn if receivership is an option by submitting a request below.
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