Lawsuits arising from slip and falls, security issues and equipment in bars, clubs and special venues are fairly common as a nightclub consultant and expert working with owners, operators and their attorneys. In fact, there have been reports in the past that say the top one-hundred most hazardous industries includes food and beverage businesses, such as night clubs.
The basis for a problem such as customer injuries, are often rooted in three areas:
1) No Awareness – Your guests and patrons do not know your business like you do. You are probably there many days a week, possibly 24/7 on occasion. They may have been there once or only come now and then. Low lighting, narrow walkways, and an unruly crowd can contribute to problems that the normal customer does not anticipate, although you might. Think like a customer – not like an employee when managing and overseeing your premises!
2) Poor Direction – Clear policies and procedures are critical to a safe and well run food and beverage operation. Insure your staff knows what, how, where and when to do something advises many an outside nightclub consultant. Do security and door personnel know how to prevent a fight from escalating and when to call outside help such as law enforcement? If there is a medical emergency, does your staff call 911 or have the Manager take care of it instead??
3) Lax Oversight – Wherever you have a combination of alcohol service, entertainment, and lots of activity such as busy and crowded situations, the potential for hazardous situation exists. It is important to insure that not only in-house employees but outside contractors, such as a band or disc-jockey, are provided guidelines and supervision while they are on-site. For example, music equipment, with its many cords, speakers, lighting and sound systems, can easily cause a trip and fall or injury from falling if the wires are allowed to cross pathways or large stacked amplifiers are not properly positioned to prevent falling off the stage.
There are safe operation guidelines for a bar and nightclub plan at Nightclub & Bar Magazine if you are an owner or operator. There are also a variety of educational programs and events on premises liability prevention for nightclub management services at Hospitality Lawyer.
Has your nightclub been sued? If so, what were the key reasons and basis that contributed to a lawsuit in your facility that you can share with our readers?? If you were a nightclub consultant, what one step would you suggest to clients to prevent a future customer injury similar to this one???